Feb 27, 2009

Group Run Changed to Sunday, 3-1-09 at 1pm

Due to our lovely ND weather and the -25 wind chills we are supposed to get on Saturday morning, we are going to change our group run to Sunday afternoon at 1pm. YAY FOR SLEEPING IN!!

We will meet at Center Court at 1pm on Sunday and use the same routes/distances that I posted earlier. We WILL have water stops for the full marathoners on Sunday (not Saturday).

If you want to run on Saturday, I encourage you to run inside. Remember that you have passes to Center Court to use. They open at 7:30am and you can go any time during the day (try to avoid 8am to 10am and noon to 2pm - busy times).

Sorry for the late notice. I felt the last minute call was necesarry to keep you all safe!

Happy Running.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to let everyone know about about the Studio One story about the Frozen Feat 5k. The story stars Red River Runners own Stacy Kusler. Thanks for the great race. Here is the link. http://www.studio1.und.edu/flowplayer/02.26.09/stories02.26.09.html#life

