Below are answers to questions that were asked last week at the Pasta Potluck. Sorry it has taken me so long to get the information posted!
Q: What are the signs/symptoms of dehydration?
A: Concentrated urine, headache, fatigue, lethargy, muscle cramps, trouble concentrating, confusion, nausea, vomiting.
Q: What are the signs/symptoms of overhydration?
A: Overhydration causes a condition known as hyponatremia (an imbalance in fluid to electrolyte ratio). If you have mild hyponatremia you may experience nausea, bloating and GI upset. Severe hyponatremia will result in a throbbing headache, swollen extremities, wheezing, confusion, and extreme fatigue and can lead to death if not corrected.
Q: How much water/fluid should I drink for optimal hydration?
A: 2 hours before event, drink 16-24 ounces of fluid.
15 minutes before event, consume an additional 8-16 oz fluid.
Every 15 minutes during exercise consume 6-12 oz fluid.
After exercise you should consume fluids until urine is pale yellow color.
Daily you should consume adequate fluids that cause urination every 2-4 hours.
Q: What is difference between Gatorade, Powerade, Accelerade?
A: Gatorade is a 6% carb solution and provides 50 cal/8 oz. Powerade is a 7% carb solution and provides 70 cal/8 oz. It is recommended to consume a sports drink or diluted juice that is 6%-8% carb solution and provides 50-80 cal/8 oz to improve stamina and endurance during your strenuous event lasting longer than 60 minutes. Accelerade is a sports drink that also contains protein. Research has proven benefits to reduced muscle soreness and quicker recovery with this combination but has shown no performance benefits during exercise.
Q: How much carbohydrate should I consume during my run?
A: Target 100-300 calories carbohydrate per hour, depending on body size and tolerance to food, for exercise lasting longer than 60-90 minutes. Your pre-exercise snack should fuel the first 60-90 minutes. You can maintain high energy during exercise with sports drinks, diluted juice, energy bars plus water, energy gels plus water, jelly beans plus water, fruit/hard candies plus water. Experiment during training to learn what works best for you.
Q: What is best way to refuel after exercise?
A: An effective recovery program includes 0.5-0.75 grams carbohydrate per pound of body weight within the FIRST hour post-exercise. Then, enjoy another dose (carb-based meal or snack) every two hours for 4-6 hours. Having some protein (approximately 8-10 grams) along with the carbs is ideal (such as chocolate milk or yogurt, trail mix, cereal with milk, pasta with meat sauce). If you do not feel hungry after exercise, you can drink a beverage that provides both carbs and protein. **Note that chocolate milk is a tasty and effective recovery choice, with far more nutritional value than Accelerade.
If I forgot to answer a question or you thought of another question, please let me know!
Denae Grove, MS, LRD