Apr 30, 2010

LONGEST run of the training season!

Hi Runners!

I am so excited to see you all tomorrow morning! We will meet at the YMCA at 7am.

OK, I am sorry to make a big change at the last minute, but in reviewing the training plan, I need to make an adjustment for the half marathoners. On the schedule, it says you have 8 miles tomorrow and 11 miles next week. I want to flip flop that so you have your longest run this weekend (11 miles), and then next week, we'll start the taper by running 8 miles and then 6 miles the following week.

SO, you're Saturdays will look like this:
May 1 - 11 miles
May 8 - 8 miles
May 15 - 6 miles

Again, sorry for the last minute change, but this will be better for you come race day.

11 miles

FULL MARATHONERS:: your big day has come....the longest run of the training season. I know you can do it! I will be out with water/gatorade/bananas. If there's anything you want handed to you during the run, leave it with me in the morning.

Here is the route.

20 miles

See you tomorrow at 7am!
If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run.

John Bingham, running writer and speaker

Apr 26, 2010

Wednesday 800s

HI everyone - to anyone interested, we are running 800s for speedwork training on Wednesday, April 28.

Where: Meet at YMCA, warm up jog together to University Park for measured laps, cooldown jog back
When: 6PM on Wed, April 28th
Who: Anyone interested, although everyone can benefit from this workout!

800s are a workout designed to blah blah blah - just read about them here

So BE THERE or BE somewhat less able to account for your lactate threshold and/or VO2 max output during glycogen depletion at key points in a distance running event...

P.S. Reminder that the RRRGF duds are in. Pick them up soon and wear them around town!
P.P.S. Save the Date: Sunday, May 16th, we'll gather (bring friends!) to watch "Spirit of the Marathon" a movie that follows several different runners in training for the Chicago Marathon. Very inspirational. Plan to bring your own treat to pass and a drink - it will be in Room 258 of Hughes Fine Arts Center, 3350 Campus Road on the UND campus. Time TBA - what's better - 2PM or 7PM as the usual info sessions have been held?

Apr 23, 2010

Answers to your Nutrition Questions

Below are answers to questions that were asked last week at the Pasta Potluck. Sorry it has taken me so long to get the information posted!

Q: What are the signs/symptoms of dehydration?
A: Concentrated urine, headache, fatigue, lethargy, muscle cramps, trouble concentrating, confusion, nausea, vomiting.

Q: What are the signs/symptoms of overhydration?
A: Overhydration causes a condition known as hyponatremia (an imbalance in fluid to electrolyte ratio). If you have mild hyponatremia you may experience nausea, bloating and GI upset. Severe hyponatremia will result in a throbbing headache, swollen extremities, wheezing, confusion, and extreme fatigue and can lead to death if not corrected.

Q: How much water/fluid should I drink for optimal hydration?
A: 2 hours before event, drink 16-24 ounces of fluid.
15 minutes before event, consume an additional 8-16 oz fluid.
Every 15 minutes during exercise consume 6-12 oz fluid.
After exercise you should consume fluids until urine is pale yellow color.
Daily you should consume adequate fluids that cause urination every 2-4 hours.

Q: What is difference between Gatorade, Powerade, Accelerade?
A: Gatorade is a 6% carb solution and provides 50 cal/8 oz. Powerade is a 7% carb solution and provides 70 cal/8 oz. It is recommended to consume a sports drink or diluted juice that is 6%-8% carb solution and provides 50-80 cal/8 oz to improve stamina and endurance during your strenuous event lasting longer than 60 minutes. Accelerade is a sports drink that also contains protein. Research has proven benefits to reduced muscle soreness and quicker recovery with this combination but has shown no performance benefits during exercise.

Q: How much carbohydrate should I consume during my run?
A: Target 100-300 calories carbohydrate per hour, depending on body size and tolerance to food, for exercise lasting longer than 60-90 minutes. Your pre-exercise snack should fuel the first 60-90 minutes. You can maintain high energy during exercise with sports drinks, diluted juice, energy bars plus water, energy gels plus water, jelly beans plus water, fruit/hard candies plus water. Experiment during training to learn what works best for you.

Q: What is best way to refuel after exercise?
A: An effective recovery program includes 0.5-0.75 grams carbohydrate per pound of body weight within the FIRST hour post-exercise. Then, enjoy another dose (carb-based meal or snack) every two hours for 4-6 hours. Having some protein (approximately 8-10 grams) along with the carbs is ideal (such as chocolate milk or yogurt, trail mix, cereal with milk, pasta with meat sauce). If you do not feel hungry after exercise, you can drink a beverage that provides both carbs and protein. **Note that chocolate milk is a tasty and effective recovery choice, with far more nutritional value than Accelerade.

If I forgot to answer a question or you thought of another question, please let me know!

Denae Grove, MS, LRD

Apr 20, 2010

Saturday Routes for 4/24/10

(Half Marathon – 10 miles, Full Marathon – 14.5 miles)

Like last week, everyone will be doing a ten mile loop and the full marathon runners will add the additional mileage to the end of the run. We will be starting at Center Court and heading toward the fitness Grand Forks Fitness Trail. The UND Memorial Union or Wilkerson Hall will both be good a bathroom/water stops halfway along the run. We will get off the Fitness trail on 6th Ave N and run to University Park. Take the sidewalk that takes you from 6th Ave N, through University Park, and back to University Ave and go back over the overpass and head back to Center Court.

10 Mile Route

The full marathon runners have an addition 4.5 miles. From Center Court, you are going to run east until you reach Cherry St, then turn south. Around 52nd Avenue, there is a running path that will wind you back to South Middle School. From the South MS, take 20th back north and find your way back to Center Court.

4.5 Mile Addition

Apr 16, 2010

Boston Marathon

Hello everyone!

I am overwhelmed by the support you've all shown Barb and I as we prepare for the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 19th!

If you would like to follow our progress throughout the race, log on to www.bostonmarathon.com and punch in our bib numbers:

Stacy: 14582
Barb: 17167

If you want to receive text message updates, text "runner" to 31901. You'll get a message back asking for the bib number you'd like to follow. text back our bib number (only one) and you'll be set. If you want to follow both of us via text, you'll need to text "runner" 2 different times. You'll get updates when we pass the following check points:


Other Grand Forks runners to watch:
Heidi Evans: 4673
Michele Peterson: 20347
Richie Spitsberg: 1165
Michelle Bacon: 17147

Thanks for your support! We will see you SOON!


Apr 15, 2010

Routes for Sat., 4-17-10

Guest running route author - Andrew Knight.

Half - 6 miles

Full - you have 13 miles.

6 miles - route same as the half-ers, looping from the YMCA through Riverside into EGF, then add: 7 miles

Meet at the YMCA ready to fly, or trudge, at 7AM.

Motivation in honor of the anniversary of Jackie Robinson breaking the race barrier in baseball this week in 1947. This one from another barrier-breaker, Jesse Owens:

"I always loved running...it was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs."

Apr 14, 2010

Thought For the Day

"A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else."
Steve Prefontaine

Apr 9, 2010

From Runner's World

"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go."

William Feather, author and publisher

Apr 8, 2010

Route for Saturday, 4-10-10

Yes, you read right....ROUTE....singular. Half marathoners, you have 9 miles, so you'll do one loop. Full marathoners, you have 18 miles, so, you guessed it...you'll do 2 loops.

This is partly because I didn't find any good 18 mile routes online, but mostly because this gives you a chance to stop at Center Court to get some water, catch your breath, and re-group before you tackle the next half of your run.

Please meet at 7am if you're interested in the early group, and 8am if you want to sleep in a bit. Remember, CC doesn't open until 7, so if you get there early, wait in your car!

Click below for the route:

We'll see you soon!!


Apr 7, 2010

A Little Motivation

"I do my best thinking when I'm running. I don't know why that is--everything seems to flow so easily. It's almost a spiritual thing for me."

Apolo Ohno, Olympic speed skater

Anyone Interest in Running a Team Relay

Hey Everyone, this is Josh. I received an email for a 12 person relay event from Winona, MN to Minneapolis. (http://www.ragnarrelay.com/greatriver/index.php) The Race is a 12 person relay that covers 193 miles. The course is divided into 36 legs, each team member runs three of those legs, ranging between 3 and 8 miles each. This relay race is physically demanding, but legs vary in difficulty, and participants can choose which legs they run. This unique relay format makes the Ragnar Relay Great River an accessible race for beginners, yet challenging enough for the most competitive.

I started a discussion board on our facebook page to gauge interest from our group. If you might be willing to try something like this, please comment on the discussion board. We'll plan more if we get several people interested.

Apr 5, 2010

From Runners World..."A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." Winston Churchill

Apr 3, 2010

Order your apparel here!

to order your RRRGF apparel

Ordering closes on April 9th, 2010.