Jan 29, 2011

RRRGF Podcast

Click on the link above or here to go to the podcast page. We have seven entries so far, and my plan is to do about one per week to mirror Fargo training. Let me know if/when you would like to talk running with me and we'll get a mutual time to record. Just takes a phone call!

You can also download this series on iTunes. Search "red river runners" on podcasts and enjoy!

Andrew - jessandaj@mac.com

Jan 27, 2011

Routes for the weekend!


We are meeting at Center Court at 8am this Saturday. It's supposed to be above zero this weekend, soooo.....dress for a heat wave? kidding....make sure to remember your layers again. Example: if you have a pair of running tights, wear them plus a layer of wind resistance pants over them. don't forget those face masks! If it's even a little windy, your face will feel it most.

See you Saturday!

Jan 22, 2011

Take a look at these dedicated runners who braved the cold this morning. Way to go Megan and Liz! Photo taken by Liz Tollefson on 1-22-11.

First Group Run today--beware of the cold


Today is scheduled to be the first group run at 8am at the YMCA. It is going to be a cold one. Use caution when coming out to run. If you are not accustomed to running in the cold, I would suggest finding a treadmill, or running indoors somewhere today. I will still be at the Y to greet any runners who do choose to come out, but safety is my first priority and I will be suggesting to runners that they stay indoors for the run today.

If I don't see you today, we will reconvene next week!


Jan 18, 2011

Welcome to Red River Runners Grand Forks!

We are gearing up for another great year of running together in the Grand Cities! Be sure to join us this coming Saturday for our first group run of the training season! Meet at 8am at the YMCA. All runners, no matter what pace, are welcome to this group. You don't have to be signed up for a half or full marathon, either. If you're running for fitness, or to get in shape for a 5k or 10k, we welcome you!

Be a part of RRRGF and CLICK HERE for a registration form! If you want to "try us out" for the first week, please join us to see what it's all about.

Happy Running!

Jan 3, 2011

More fun winter fitness!


Check out the upcoming winter activities in the Grand Cities!

Happy Running!

Jan 1, 2011

2011 Info session set for 1-16-11!

January Info Session scheduled for 1-16-11

Red River Runners-Grand Forks is gearing up for another year of fun running! On Sunday, January 16th, RRRGF will hold an info session to talk all about what's in store for running in 2011. We'll talk about the marathon and half marathon training class including an 18 week training schedule and monthly info sessions, and group runs offered for runners not specifically training for a marathon. This year, we're all about expanding our options. If you are running just to stay in shape, or to train for a marathon, RRRGF has what you're looking for.

Training Class: If you're thinking of running the Fargo marathon or half marathon, join the 18 week training class to help you get to the starting line! Runners meet every Saturday morning starting 1-22-11 and train together for this event. We have a number of "trainers" to help get you through. Our trainers are our group members who have run marathons in the past. They'll be available for tips, advice, and training partners. In addition, monthly info sessions are provided by local health professionals such as nutritionists, massage therapists, chiropractors, and more. An 18 week training schedule is provided in 6 week increments. This is the 4th year of the training class. Past participants have praised the group for helping them to get out of bed and get the training runs in even if the weather isn't perfect. The team atmosphere this group provides is a huge motivator for many runners, as well.

Group Runs: If you're training for your first 5k, or just want people to run with in the winter to keep you going, join us for group runs every Saturday morning. You don't have to be signed up for a marathon or half marathon to join in on the group runs. This year, we're offering the group runs to all levels of runners because we want to help keep you running all winter long!

Stay updated with the latest RRRGF news and find us online at www.rungrandforks.com, on facebook, or ontwitter.

Info session details:

What: Info session about RRRGF membership and inclusions

When: Sunday, January 16th 2011 at 2:00PM

Where: Hughes Fine Arts Center on the UND Campus, room 258. On University Ave, turn in by Chester Fritz. Go past Chester Fritz towards the railroad tracks. Park in the parking lot in the G section between the train tracks and the Chester Fritz auditorium. Enter the Hughes Fine Arts Center through the main doors, up the steps, and to the left all the way down to room 258. There will be signs up directing you to the room.

What to bring: If you're interested in signing up for RRRGF on the spot, bring cash or check ($30 per member, $50 for family). We will also have registration forms for Frozen Feat 2011, if you'd like to get your registration form in then. $25 for 5k, $30 for 10k. www.frozenfeat.com