Feb 22, 2012
Nov 21, 2011
Turkey Trot info
Distance 5K (3.1 mi) or 8K (4.97 mi) Walkers and families welcome
Date and Time Sunday, November 27, 2011. Event starts at 4:00pm
Location Meet at The Blue Moose in East Grand Forks. Start and Finish will be from their deck on the west side. No mile markers will be on the courses!
Donation $5 to offset prize costs, extra will be donated to the Northlands Rescue Mission from RRR-GF
Logistics No watches/GPS/iPods allowed! (Times will be recorded, however.) Your prediction form (below) will be filed before the race and compared to your actual time. The three smallest time differences are the prizewinners. Speed breaks a “tie.” Stay afterward for the award ceremony and to socialize at “The Moose” –we have reserved the bar area for food and drinks!!
Nov 4, 2011

National Running Day! Nov 6th
Nov 1, 2011
RRRGF Podcast update
Racing season over? “Tapering” down from a fall distance race and trying to coast through Halloween? Is barefoot running a scary thought for you? Dr. Joshua McSparron, a barefoot runner and chiropractor, has some advice about how to shake up your routine by leaving the shoes behind.
Josh is also accepting old racing medals for veterans through a nonprofit that collects and redistributes them. Contact him if interested in donating. Click on the link above or HERE for the podcast page.